Monday, November 15, 2010

The Reason

Many people have asked me why I move to a strange land, in-spite of the fact that I lost everything on this event of move. Lost my business, lost my study momentum and finally lost my opportunity to serve Him if I may say that. I still do not have an answer to that.
The cost of education comparing international student and "local student" for the course of dentistry in Queensland is about A$200K for International student as local only pay A$100K but it is so much harder for local student as the requirement is higher with their HSC results. God just put us in a place for a purpose, and so since I am here, have to make the best out of it, no time to look back but to do my best.
Maybe one day, I will have the answer.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Phoon Wai Kit, I saw your name at the alumni column on the STM blog. Hope you don't mind but I thought u might find this interesting and I wanted to let you know about a biblical theology conference on Wisdom (Speaker: Barry Webb), as posted by Anthony Loke on the STM blog.

    ~ ~

    Hope you can visit the website of the organizing fellowship and may God's teaching on wisdom be beneficial for your ministry and your church.

    In Christ's service,
    Jeremy Leng
